Below is an incomplete list of green terms. Click on the green term to be directed to a more complete definition. Please feel free to contact me with additional terms and discriptions.
ANTIMICROBIAL- A natural substance that kills or inhibits the growth of microbes such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, or parasites. For example, Bamboo fabric is naturally antimicrobial.
BIOACCUMULATION - is when toxins taken up by plants and animals from their environment become concentrated in body tissues.
BIODEGRADABLE- Refers to the process by which organic substances are naturally broken down by living organisms when thrown into a landfill.
BIODIVERSITY- Is the state of different living things within one area including plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms and the ecosystems they are part of.
BLACKWATER- Is water that contains fecal matter and urine - i.e. sewage
CARBON FOOTPRINT- Is the carbon dioxide emitted by a person or industry
CFL- Stands for Compact Fluorescent Lamp - an energy saving light bulb.
CHLORINE-FREE- A chlorine-free product does not contain chlorine as a disinfecting or whitening agent, providing a safer, less irritating and less harmful alternative. Chlorine can trigger negative reactions in children, the elderly, and people with chlorine-sensitivity.
CLIMATE CHANGE- Means the rapid change occurring in the Earth's global climate due to many enviromentally unsafe activities.
COMPOSTABLE- Material that breaks down to become what is essentially dirt. It contains no toxins. Compostable materials can sustain plant life.
ECO-SAAVY- Individuals who are aware of their enviroment and the effects their lives have on it.
ECOSYSTEM- The physical and biological elements of an area co-existing to form a self supporting environment.
FAIR TRADE- an organized movement promoting standards for labor, environmentalism and social issues in areas of production of Fair Trade labeled and unlabeled goods. The Fir Trade movement focuses on exports from developing countries to developed countries.
FORMALDEHYDE- Formaldehyde is classified as a human carcinogen and is a known/possible cause for cancer.
FOSSIL FUEL- Is a hydrocarbon deposit used for fuel such as oil, coal and natural gas. Fossil fuels take many years to be created in the natural environment.
FREE RANGE- A method of farming where the animals are permitted to roam freely instead being confined to an enclosure.
GLOBAL WARMING- Is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's air and large bodied water temperature mainly due to human influences such as emissions, pollutants and the loss of natural resources.
HYPOALLERGENIC- Is a term used in describing cosmetics, textiles and metals that are known to cause fewer allergic reactions.
LED- Light Emitting Diode is becoming a replacemtn for traditional incandescent lights.
LOW-IMPACT DYES- These dyes are synthetic dyes that chemically bond to the clothing fiber. They contain no heavy metals or toxic substances. They use less natural resources in the dying process therefore have less effect on the enviroment.
LOW-VOC FINISHES- VOCs are Volatile Organic Compounds or organic chemical compounds significantly vaporize and enter the atmosphere. VOC finishes have the same the same as traditional finishes without health hazards of pollutants.
MDF- Medium-Denisity Fiberboard - an engineered wood product used in furniture making and home construction.
NATURAL- A natural product that is not altered.
ORGANIC FOOD- Are plants that are grown without pesticides, artificial fertilizers or sewage or processed without food additives. Organic food products produced from animals have not been feed or injected with antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic foods usually costs more, but has far less environmental impact.
PARTICLE BOARD- is an engineered wood product.
POST-CONSUMER WASTE/RECYCLED- Post-consumer material is product that has completed its life cycle as it was intended for and would normall been disposed of but is recycled for reuse. Post-consumer materials include recyclables collected in recycling programs, such as paper, cardboard, aluminum cans, plastics and metals.
PVC- polyvinyl chloride, or PVC. PVC is the only plastic that contains chlorine, so it is creates a hazard.
RECYCLED/ RECYLABLE- A recycled product is a product that contains recovered materials such as post- consumer plastics. Recovered materials is trash that has been recycled from landfills and processed for another use. Recycled products are not always post consumer waste. Many manufacturers recycle the production waste, ie. virgin or recycled chipboard is used in making boxes - when those boxes are die cut out of the sheets of chipboard the waste around the boxes are recycled immediately.
REDUCE- Means to minimize the use of enviromentally unfriendly products therefore producing less post consumer waste.
RENEWABLE ENERGY- The use of natural resources such as sun light, wind, ocean tides and surface tempatures to create other forms of energy such as electricity. Windmills or Windfarms are becoming a more common sight through the US.
SOYBEAN FIBER- Soybean fiber is a textile fiber made from renewable natural resources and is sustainable.
SUSTAINABLE DESIGN (these are lsited together since they all mean the same thing)
Are all desciptions in the designing of physical objects to conform with the principles of economic, social, and ecological sustainability. The primary purpose of sustainable design is to manfuacture buildings, products and to offer services that help reduce in the use of non-renewable resources such as lumber and minimize the environmental impact offering the consumer a more natural environment and product.
SWEATSHOP-FREE- Sweatshop is where working conditions are poor and workers are paid little while using making textile products. Sweatshop Free is used to describe products that are manufactured in a work enviroment that has fair treatment of workers and follows regulated age and wage guidelines.
VEGETABLE DYES- Any coloring agent that is obtained from a vegetable. Vegetable dyes are mostly an all natural dye and they are more sustainable and an eco-friendly alternative compared to chemical dyes.
WATER BASED INKS- pH neutral inks with a water base rather than petroleum, oil, or metal bases.