A person's use of a plastic check-out bag can be counted in minutes. The time it
takes to get their groceries from the grocer to their homes. These bags, however, can last for hundreds of years if not recycled. Combine the growing number of plastic bags used every year with the time it takes for them to break down and you have a major environmental problem.
Whether it's inadvertent or deliberate, plastic bag litter creates many problems. Bags get blown accross country sides and city scapes and deposited in unsightly locations - trees, along beaches, in heaps on the road ways. They end up blocking drains and suffocating wildlife when eaten. In the lakes, ponds and oceans, plastic bag litter is lethal, killing thousands of whales, turtles and other sea life every year.
A new answer is available for the retailer who uses plastic bags in their store locations. Recycleable and biodegradable plastic bags made from recycled materials. All customizable and available for immediate manufacturing. There are US manufacturers who are making this bags available to retailers at the same cost as a traditional plastic bag. Up to this point, biodegradable plastic was out of most peoples financial reach because of the higher cost but not anymore.
All plastic bag using retailers should look into the cost of this possibility. Even ask your packaging distributor if your current imprint plates are usable. If they can use your plates then there might be no additional expense for you - so you can keep the green you earn in your packet while you point your business in a greener direction. You and your customer will be happier.

Whether it's inadvertent or deliberate, plastic bag litter creates many problems. Bags get blown accross country sides and city scapes and deposited in unsightly locations - trees, along beaches, in heaps on the road ways. They end up blocking drains and suffocating wildlife when eaten. In the lakes, ponds and oceans, plastic bag litter is lethal, killing thousands of whales, turtles and other sea life every year.
A new answer is available for the retailer who uses plastic bags in their store locations. Recycleable and biodegradable plastic bags made from recycled materials. All customizable and available for immediate manufacturing. There are US manufacturers who are making this bags available to retailers at the same cost as a traditional plastic bag. Up to this point, biodegradable plastic was out of most peoples financial reach because of the higher cost but not anymore.
All plastic bag using retailers should look into the cost of this possibility. Even ask your packaging distributor if your current imprint plates are usable. If they can use your plates then there might be no additional expense for you - so you can keep the green you earn in your packet while you point your business in a greener direction. You and your customer will be happier.
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