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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Whole Food Markets goes greener

The Whole Foods Market chain stated back in February that it would stop offering plastic grocery bags. Giving customers a choice between recycled paper or reusable bags, no more plastic. A increasing number of retailers and local municupalities are banning plastic bags, or discouraging their use, because of concerns about their environmental impact. Nantucket, MA banned plastic bags years ago. Whole Foods officials said they had hoped to eliminate plastic bags for some time but had to decide how to make it work in the chain's 270 stores. A.C. Gallo, president and chief operating officer, said Whole Foods tried to get customers to buy reusable bags for several years but "it really never caught on." That changed when the grocery chain began offering reusable bags for 99 cents, he said.

More Retailers, small and big, should start promoting their choice for retail packaging. Informing their customers of their choice might inspire that customer to become greenier or support your greenier company. It might comething as simple a a chan

I heard a rumor that might be true, you will have to look into it, that whole foods is giving away a free re-usable shopping bag away to customers on Earth Day. It might only be a rumor because I see nothing listed on the web-site concerning this. So research it first and don't hold me to it.

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