Can you believe it, I can't but its true! I walked 50 miles in 3 days.
None of my training walks prepared me for what was in front of me on the trail. This Challenge walk was a like multiple trips to day spas with refreshing drinks, nutriental supplies, candy and pampering if needed! Oh yeah and personal saunas. That's right a day spa. You think I lost my mind on the walk, NO. My twelve mile training walks consisted of 1 break at the half mile mark. The Challenge Walk considered of a rest stop about every 2 miles. Each rest stop had refreshing drinks of water and gatorade. They had protein bars, fruit and all sorts of candy including caramel creams which are my favorite to satisfy your hunger needs. There were also medics to take care of your every medical need especially blisters! Then there are the port-a-potties which I referred to as personal saunas because they were like stinky steam baths. And the staff that manned the rest stops consisted of men, women and children with bull horns, noise markers and the exciting part was the stickers! That's right adults excited over stickers. Had to get a sticker at every rest stop. I think I even walked back 50 steps to get one because I forgot it! These staff members were really volunteers that encouraged us to keep walking and made the walk exicting and so many will be remembered. Some wore custumes and funny hats. One rest stop on Saturday had a Star War theme and others were local groups there to help us. A group of local police fed us munchins, coffee and all of the traditional rest stop fair and then there was a group of boy scouts that stood in the rain and handed us lemonade. Lemonade what a treat after two days of water and gatorade.
The Sea Camps weren't the Marriott but it wasn't bad either. Our cabin had two bathroom stalls and two sinks and 7 bunk beds and two additional singles. No dignity in there. Men and Women alike and all part of your team co-habitat in this cabin for three days. Just like one big aching family. I couldn't have been part of a better group of people.
Friday was a beautiful day for a 20 mile walk. We walked from Hyannis to Brewster. I finished the day tired but feeling in great shape. But after an hour the ache set in! After walking 20 miles the last thing you want to do is sit down because that is when the aches start! A simple foot soak is so rewarding after the long distance. My abused feet served me well with no blisters after the first day. Friday night was fun under the big tent. Awards were given out for the top fundraisers and all the walkers got recognized for their repeated completion of previous years walks. And the slide show was entertaining. It was nice to see whatelse happened on the trails.
Saturday was a different story. And we didn't think we would even get through 5 let alone 20 miles. It started out better then expected a few showers, heavy clouds and high humidity. We walked from Brewster to Coast Gaurd Beach in Eastham. I made it to lunch with just a few light showers. A change of socks revealed a blister. A blister, I couldn't believe my abused callus feet had a blister. Just a tiny one on top of my toe. It didn't even hurt. I put a piece of moleskin on top of it and set back off into the trail covered with gray skies. Gray skies turned to blue shortly after lunch. I had an annoying pain in the heel of my foot but the faster I walked the less pain I had to experience so I just kept a fast pace and things were good. Then 3 miles from the finish line the skies open up and I got wet! Dancing in the rain was not what I was doing. I was walking as fast as my feet would carry me so I could make it home to camp before Hurricane Hannah beat me there. The last two miles were spent talking with Caroline who was from California. Meeting new people most of which I dont even know their names was really fun. Another foot soak and little medical attention for my blister and I was off to sit and let the aching set in. Well instead of sitting I decided I hadn't walked enough. The skies cleared for a few hours, the calm before the storm, so I went to the beach and walked the water's edge. We enjoyed a nice chicken dinner in honor of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of two of our team members! The program that night was a challenge in its own to attend but everyone must experience some inspirational stories at some time in their life. My time was Saturday night. Shortly after the program ended the wind started to blow and blow and blow. It could have blown as loud as a frieght train because once my head hit the pillow I didn't hear anything until early morning.
Sunday morning came early. Each day was started by a car driving by your cabin with very loud music blarring into the darkness. Not once but twice!
Up and dress and ready to go on our short walk of just 10 miles from Brewster to Dennis. Except that 10 miles is really long when your ankle is killing you. I started my walk just like every walk in the last year saying "this to will pass after a mile" but it only got worse. Medics didn't know what to do for me so I took some Advil and kept on walking. Then after a few more miles I took some Aleve and kept on walking. There was no way I wasn't going to finish this walk. We walked to lunch were they served us hamburgers, hot dogs, salads and fruits and more. We listened to music and enjoyed each walker coming accross the finish line to join us for lunch. We were each given a tshirt to wear. I got a blue one. Thankfully most people involved wore blue. Some people were given orange which meant they were living with MS. So many were in orange and many young even younger then me. I was shocked that I had just completed 50 miles with people that I was unaware that even had MS. I again saw the medic and this time them taped my ankle in a very odd way but it worked. The pain was bearable if not almost gone. All the walkers and most of the crew loaded school buses and we were off to the official finish line in Hyannis were family and friends of the walkers had converged at the Village Green for the closing program. Even my Island Boy, Jimmy, who easily gets lost brought Ashley and James up to Hyannis to see me accross the finish line. I was so excited. I told him to watch for me, that I would be wearing a blue tshirt, black shorts and carrying an orange bandana but I forgot to tell him so would most everyone else.
From a sea of blue there will hopefully come a cure for the orange bouys aflout
during our walk.
I walked 50 miles in 3 days and now it is over.
The oddest part of this whole weekend was my teams attempt and unofficial success in making me their new team captain along with atleast one of the other walkers. Well I am tentative to take over a team that has had such success in the past. I have some great fundraising ideas but captain the team I am not sure I am that good.
Well I hate to say it but watch out because I have a fundraiser in mind for each of my family and friends to attend or partake in. Interested in joing the Scrap Dogs? Part of being Captian will be to recruit new dogs to our house!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I did it! Completed all 50 miles of the MS Challenge
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Ready to save money?
Well, the 2009 season is approaching quickly and the time to save money for then is NOW. That's right, now.
You should consider asking your retail packaging sales representatives for quotes for the 2009 season now based on your 2008 usage. You ask, Why?
Well its common knowledge that prices always go up as of the first of the year, right? If you get your pricing now and commit to your orders now, in most cases, you get the 2008 pricing and you can request the product to be shipped in 2009.
Last year, a very good plastic bag user of mine asked for a quote in September. He uses three sizes of plastic bags. To manufacturer plastic bags the minimums can be high but the lower costs per piece make in worth your wild to purchase in bulk. We was required to purchase a total of 9,000 bags. After providing him with two options for delivery and pricing we accepted one being manufactured in China. We placed the order in November and we asked for a May 2008 delivery date. My customer received his bags the first week of May and received a summer dating invoice program so he isn't paying for bags until next week, September 8th!
Savings are available on all types of packaging products. An example is my customers that use gift boxes place their Christmas gift box orders in August or September and include enough inventory to get them through the first quarter. All types of stock products can be purchased in advance as well. Gift Box Corporation, Bags and Bows, Nashville Wraps and others all produce a new catalog at the start of each year. With new catalogs come new prices. Order your product prior to the new catalogs and get last year pricing. Don't forget to ask for a ship date that works for you.
So savings are available this year for next! Call your sales representative today and ask for quotes. Gift Box Corporation has sales representatives through out the US, Puerto Rico, the Carribean and Europe. Of course I am partial to them since I work for them but I also purchased their product for years. I know first hand the quality and service they provide. Their number is 800-443-8269.
Call today to save for next year.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
MS Challenge Preparation
I have completed two twelve mile training walks which is in
preparation to completing the MS Challenge three day 50 mile walk which starts in just one week. This time next week I will have completed just 20 miles of the 50. I know that the first day isn't going to be too difficult but the
other two I am not so sure about. I have purchused and broken in two pairs
of sneakers, have stocked piled some moleskin, gotten enough shorts and
t-shirts to make it through the weekend. The only thing left to get is Body
Glide, ever heard of it? Me neither but I plan on purchasing it and using
it. Any other suggestions for a more comfortable walk from experienced
althetes, which I am not, are being accepted and will be appreciated.
When I registered for the MS Challenge Walk, I took on not one, but two significant challenges: to complete the rigorous event, and to raise money funding services and research to help create a world free of multiple sclerosis. At some point during the MS Challenge Walk, my feet might ache or I might feel tired, but my thoughts will never be far from those who must every day move forward with the fatigue, immobility, and other symptoms of multiple sclerosis. I still feel forunate enough to not have any one in my immediate family with MS but I am starting to realize that more people have it then I ever thought. I hope that my walking now helps them and their families in the future.
That's why I'm asking you to support my fund raising efforts with a tax
deductible donation.Please make a donation on by my behalf or campaign for donations on my behalf by forwarding this email to all your family, friends and co-workers
because they that might be interested in donating to this charitable cause
also. All help is appreciated.
It's faster and easier than ever to support this cause that's so important
to me. Simply click on the link at the bottom of this message. If you
prefer, you can send your contribution to the address listed below.
Any amount, great or small, helps to make a difference in the lives of
people living with MS. I appreciate your support and look forward to letting
you know how I do.
Click here to visit my personal page.
If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:
Click here to view the team page for Scrap Dogs
If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:
Thursday, August 21, 2008
My Junior Golf Pro!
My Junior Golf Pro, Ashley, took first place in the Wanumotonomy Junior Golf Championship today for girls aged 11 to 14. It was a beautiful day for golf on the windy hill. The course lived up to its name today. There was a consent wind coming out of the southwest which kept the temperture just right. She made some nice long drives, a awesome chip shot on 14 and some descent putts which all added up to a great day of winning golf.
Between this championship title and placing third in the Rhode Island Womens Golf Championship you would have to say that 2008 was a season to be remembered.
Golf anyone?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
My MS Challenge Participant Page
My Participant Page were you can make a donation to my fundraising efforts for the MS Challenge is
I appreciate all the help. Thank you.
Training for MS Challenge
Training success.
I have completed two weekend walks of 10.5 miles and 12 miles. The first walk of 10.5 miles I completed close to home but the second one of 12 miles I walked 6 miles away from home and back. I needed to leave my comfort zone and safety of my neighborhood and I was OK. I took a day off after the 12 miles for recovery but walked the next day and will continue to walk on a training schedule because I vowed to train up to the walk. Its only two weeks away. Yikees.
I have said before I am forunate not to have anyone close to my family with MS but during my fundraising efforts I have found that many people I know have family members or friends that suffer with MS. These are the people that I am walking for and for those that are suffering with the emotional lose of family members that passed due to MS. I don't want them or anyone else to suffer in the future. If me doing this can help in the future then I know I am helping now.
More to come on this.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Unique Packaging
Does anyone want to discuss the most unique packaging they have seen?
Included in this discussion can be retail packaging used by a retail store - big or small - or product packaging used by a manufacturer - big or small.
Well, I am a fan of color so the more colorful the better.
A current customer of mine that owns two retail store locations opted to print his two logos, one on either side, of a plastic bag. Doing this allowed him to order a higher inventory level and save funds. The logos are very different then each other in color (4 colors each) and design but when placed on either side of the bag it doesn't matter. In this time of economic uncertainty its a sound financial decision that allows for advertising of both locations. One of the logos incorporates his physical location with the name of his store and the other incorporates his store sign with a basic graphic that relates to the product he sells. His logos are eye catching and memorable. So for a favorite financially designed custom bag this wins.
I have seen so many complete match packaging compaigns while working with Gift Box Corporation that I don't even know where to begin. Some very talented graphic designers, store owners and sales reps have put together packaging that has left an impression on me. Currently there is pictured in the GBC 2008/2009 catalog a selection of packaging used by Studio U that is very color and very visually intersting because of the colors and shapes that have been printed on not just eurototes but on gift boxes as well. Their multi color eurototes allow them to use several different colors of coordinating tissue papers making the final product simple and elegant or bright and colorful. So this is a favorite for bright and colorful. Of course there are so many that use color including 4 color process designs that I could go on forever.
I am bias to Gift Box Corporation manufactured one and two piece gift boxes but for retail packaging they are the best in the world. Quality is superior to any other. The colors are trendy. The hot stamping charges are minimual allowing the customer to imprint their logo making it their own. Where can you advertise your name for $24.00 and reach a minimum of 1000 people? A well done and eye catching store logo leaves an impression.
I have really been concentrating on retail products outer packaging when looking through stores. I pick out a product that stands out and determine why. Is it the colors, the packaging or product. I have found that the more color of course that catches my attention but also seeing the product is more important to me. I don't have to actaully see the product because if its a closed package then I like to see the product pictured on the outside of the package. Toys are a great example of this. Ever notice that in a toy store that most products are there out in the open for all to see. The manufacturers are catering to the kids. Children don't read they see and touch. And aren't we all just kids grown up? Manufacturers have to keep that in mind at all times. Product packaging has to be graphic, colorful and informative. My favorite in this product packaging catagory would be most toys.
What is your favorite?
Friday, August 15, 2008
The First of Many
The first donations came in today on my MS Challange personal page. Please take the time to review my page, my thoughts expressed on the page and consider making a donation to a very good cause.
I am taking the challange how about you?
The actaul links below don't seem to be working properly sorry!
My Personal Participant Page is
or the main event page at
and of course our Scrap Dog Team page at
Christmas List
Your Christmas Shopping List should begin with wrapping paper, tissue, bows, boxes and then something pretty for you and everyone else on your list.
Its time to gear up for the Christmas season. Your customers are going to expect the most for the money they spend in your store this year more then ever before. Wrapped gifts will be at the top of their lists.
Pretty wrapping papers over quality gift boxes with colorful tissue inside and exquisite bows on the outside. And you say no way too expensive. A little attention to details and a few extra cents given back to the customer these days go along way. Even myself with all the samples at my finger tips looks for that quality of service. Don't you? Think about your customer. You go back to the stores that give you their undivided attention and quality of service you demand. You think you provide that service to your customers, Do you? And if you do, Don't you think they are going to come back again and again for it, Just like you.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Just a month later
Well, Summer has come and is almost over so quickly and yet business still moves slowly.
Over a month since my last blog and it seems so long ago.
With the release of the Gift Box's new catalog and existing customers still wanting to reorder packaging the summer has moved along for me. I have been working hard with two new customers that wanted custom packaging, my favorite! Those projects have taught me a lot just like all new demands do. Its what I love about my job. I learn new aspects of packaging design, requirements, fulfillment and customer demands with every appointment.
The story about the custom packaging for one of those customers!
A web site that sells lingerie will be offering a complete gift box packaging. The packaging will include a gift box, tissue paper, notecare and envelope and a pre-tied fabric ribbon. I have been working on pulling together quotes for custom boxes, custom assembled bowes, notecards and envelopes (not my expertise), and folded tissue paper all assembled inside the colapsed box and shrinkwrapped for months. I did it. The boxes were the customers biggest problem because of the configuration when folded and shrinkwrapped didn't keep the integrity of the box. Multiple folds in a folding box just doesn't work. So I worked with a box manufacturer and designed boxes that did not need to be folded and assembled by the end user. Our boxes are similiar to an apparel box or sometimes known as a pop-up box. The quality of the box and the presentation worked much better then their original designs supplied by another packaging distributor. The cost of the custom boxes become a concern but that concern soon vanished when my custom box price was less then their original stock box price. Their custom assembled bow now costs less then their original too long length of ribbon also. Stock tissue is stock tissue but getting folded was a big concern for me. Notecards and envelops were not something I had sold before but just like anything else. I asked for a few quotes and went with the best price. All said and none, I pulled together some old resourses from a previous life and was able to get the fulfillment done for much less then they had gotten before. Delivery of this product is slated for Mid September. My customer will receive 3 sizes of boxes, each collapsed box will contain tissue, notecard/envelope and a ribbon hank with an assembled bow all inserted into the bottom side wall of the box and then the top will lay on top of that collapsed and then shrinkwrapped. A final presentation fight for a King buying something pretty for his Queen. Their customers couldn't ask for a better presentation at a cost that is sure to please them.
I will provide pictures and additional information as this project progresses.
I look forward to working with this customer for years to come.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
MS Challange Walk
I am training for the MS Challange Walk being held in Cape Cod in September.
My job actually helps me in my trainging, You ask how? Cold calling! I walk to store after store carrying a bag full of catalogs. It really can be a test of endurance both physical and mental. I am strong so the carrying of the catalogs and walking isn't as bad as the rejections that I receive from potential customers that do not want my catalog.
That's OK. I walk on.
If you are interested in supporting me in my walk for MS, please visit my donation page at .
I will try and update this blog with information concerning my training and the final walk!
As of today, I generally complete 3 to 4 five mile walks a week plus my cold calling walks daily but I have completed one 10.5 mile walk and felt as if I could have made it to 20 miles without much problem. Of course the next day might be a problem. We sill see.
This weeks short training took me for a 5+ mile walk along Newport, RI's scenic Cliff Walk and back along the famous Bellevue Avenue. It was a beautiful afteroon with my two children walking with me.
This weekend I am going for 14 miles.
Any past walkers out there? Suggestions and helpful hints appreciated.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Quotes, Quotes, Quotes
I love giving out quotes. Quotes for bags, boxes, ribbons, labels, stickers, tags or anything to do with custom packaging.
Do you use custom packaging or need custom packaging? Yes you say then ask for a quote. Keep me and my Gift Box colleages busy.
You might learn that you are currently paying too much for your existing packaging or that you can afford the packaging you've wanted for so long. Give us a try.
If you are in Southern New England give me a call 401683-5377 or call 1-800giftbox to find out your local representative. It might just save you a dollar or two in this tough economic times and that alone will be worth the call.
At the very least you will get a new 2008 Gift Box Catalog to review.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Jr Labels makes it to QVC with help from Roseberry Winn Pottery
JR Labels makes it to QVC with the help of Roseberry Winn Pottery!
Roseberry Winn Pottery from Tiverton, RI made their debut on National TV this morning at 6am with their beautiful pottery pieces.
JR Labels made their debut too because on the bottom of every piece of pottery was Roseberry Winn Pottery's clear label with their logo printed on it that JR Labels made.
It was great watching Michael Winn and Bruce Roseberry the artists and owners of Roseberry Winn Pottery and my customers make their debut on TV with some of the pieces they have designed but it became really exciting when the hostess turned over their piece to show that the piece was hand signed by the artist and there was the label I had made for them! "There's my Label, There's my Label, There's my Label!" is all I could yell.I ordered the hostess bowl pictured below while Michael and Bruce were on air. I know, I know I could have driven right over the bridge and purchased on in their studio but the excitement of the moment got to me and I had to order.
You should order too. Follow this link Recently On Air to see the other products they premeired today on QVC and place your order for my label - I mean their beautiful pottery.
I just went to the QVC web site and there on their website is my label too!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Northeast Market Center Show
Gift Box Corporation will be exhibiting at the Annual Summer Holiday Show being held at the Northeast Market Center (The Center) from June 21 to 25th. We will be located in Room 318.
GBC has published and released their new 2008-2009 Retail Specialty Catalog. Come by the show and pick up your new catalog and take advantage of the many show specials being offered.
Request an annual usage quote and determine where you can save on your retail packaging.
Also ask about our Fall Dating Program, Do you qualify to receive your retail packaging prior to Columbus Day and not pay for it before December 27, 2008. That's right at least 60 days of selling products before paying for your packaging expenses. Are their any other packaging companies that offer that?
Looking forward to seeing you all there.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Can't Wait for the New Catalog
Only a little longer until Gift Box Corporation releases it new 2008 Retail Packaging Catalog and I can't wait!
It's like getting a new job, or like the first day of school, or like trying a new flavor of ice cream or riding a bike for the first time. You just don't know what to expect.
It's a learning curve that I can't wait to begin. New products, new prices and new opportunities to hand out catalogs to all packaging users.
Will it look better then all of our competitors? I expect it will. Of course I am partial. I think our catalogs have always looked better. Gift box's catalogs are at least complete. They offer complete information on all stock products and options. I am not too sure but I don't htink our competitors do.
Do You want a catalog? Just ask for one. If you are located in Rhode Island or Massachusetts leave a comment here, or call 800-giftbox or request one on their web site -
I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. Can you?
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Plastic Bags - Who's mistake?
I will start off by saying it was my mistake!
Plastic bag
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Plastic food bags/pouches - plastic bag or pouch is a type of flexible packaging made of thin, flexible, plastic film. Plastic bags are used for containing and transporting foods, produce, powders, ice, chemicals, waste, etc. Most are heat sealed together. Some are bonded with adhesives or are stitched.
Plastic bags usually use less material than comparable boxes, cartons, or jars, thus are often considered as "reduced or minimized packaging". Depending on the construction, plastic bags can be well suited for plastic recycling. They can be incinerated in appropriate facilities for waste-to-energy conversion. They are stable and benign in sanitary landfills. If disposed of improperly, however, plastic bags can create unsightly litter and harm some types of wildlife.
Bags are also made with carrying handles, hanging holes, tape attachments, security features, etc. Some bags have provisions for easy opening and re-closing. Some bags are sealed and can only be opened by destroying the packaging, providing some tamper-evident capability.
Plastic shopping bags are usually made of polyethylene. This can be low-density , resin identification code 4, or most often high-density, resin identification code 2.
Although not in use today, plastic shopping bags could be made from Polylactic acid (PLA) a biodegradable polymer derived from lactic acid.[1] This is one form of vegetable-based bioplastic. This material biodegrades quickly under composting conditions and does not leave toxic residue. However, bioplastic can have its own environmental impacts, depending on the way it is produced. Recyclability of this experimental material is unproven: resin identification code 7 is applicable.
So you ask why the education lesson on plastic bags? Well, I needed a refresher. See I have sold plastic bags for 11 years and during the 4th quarter last year I completed a custom order of bags that were going to be made over seas and well.......I put Hi-D on the order. Hi-D bags are a very inexpensive "cheap" looking and feeling plastic bag similiar to what you get when shopping at a discount store. They are ugly and noisey. They do serve a purpose for those that use them. They are meant for a one time use, they are inexpensive and very strong. But Cheap just the same. Well, I sold an order of custom bags as Hi-D to a higher end store that wanted Lo-D and deserves Lo-D. Thankfully this customer accepted my apology and we are moving to correct the problem quickly. So yes, I made the mistake.
But I wonder, I made the mistake in 2007 but some people in 2008 might think that someone long ago made the mistake of creating the plastic bag to begin with especially since so many do not understand the types of plastic bagss, what types are recyclable and where to recycle them at.
I live by the standard: everyone makes mistakes, its how you handle your mistake, the moving forward and correcting it that matters. I feel terrible.
Here are some interesting links that pertain to plastic bags.
The link below is for Progressive Bag Allaiance's Top 10 Myths about Plastic Bags.
Its very informative.
The same group has a consumer info section that speaks of debunking myths about plastic bags. There are some really interesting facts in here.
This link is about the history of plastic...I just learned it dates back to 1862! Can you believe that? This article also provides information on the materials used to make plastic bags and the difference of Hi-D and Lo-D.
Friday, May 30, 2008
My Green Apple Girl - Sakonnet Times
< Back Friday, May 30, 2008 e-mail this story | print it
Its all about the packaging and there couldn't be a better picture then my girl on the bottle.
Jones Soda finds its green apple girl
The photo of Ashley Roggero that started it all, snapped while she rested after a day at the beach.
PORTSMOUTH — On a hot day last summer, 10-year-old Ashley Roggero, skin salty after hours of swimming and sunbathing with her family at McCorrie Beach, stretched out on the living room couch at home as the late-afternoon sunlight slanted in through the window.
That's what her father Jimmy saw, and he captured the moment with a photograph.
"We had just gotten home from the beach and she was pooped," said Mr. Roggero. "I thought it would be a cute picture."
Later a relative sent the family a case of Jones Soda that advertised a contest seeking photographs to be made into soda bottle labels, and they thought of Jimmy's photo.
"I thought it would be neat to be on a soda bottle," Ashley said.
Ashley, who is now 11 and in sixth grade at Portsmouth Middle School, has modeled before. When she was one year and two years old, she was photographed for advertisements used throughout Rhode Island.
The Portsmouth 11-year-old holds her prized bottle of Jones Soda in her favorite flavor: green apple.
She's no longer interested in modeling, though with her long sun-bleached blond hair and dimpled smile, she might still qualify.
Ashley has big plans to start up her own businesses and to play professional golf. She has a 35 handicap this year and hopes to get a sponsor to do the local amateur circuit. An avid surfer for four years (her favorite spot to hit the waves is at Surfer's End on Second Beach), she wants to open her own surf shop some day. But for now, she makes her own beach-glass jewelry, selling at craft fairs, and in two Portsmouth stores: Second Hand Rose and Natures.
The profits she's made from her jewelry line she reinvests back into it. She is expanding the business into shark-tooth and shell necklaces and bracelets and packages of make-your-own beach glass jewelry.
"I like running my own business," Ashley said. She dreams of her surf shop, which would carry boards and swim wear, as well as her jewelry line.
"Ashley's always tried to come up with business ideas of her own," said her mother, Jane. Ms. Roggero said Ashley takes after her parents, both self-employed entrepreneurs.
And the winner is ...
The family entered the photo, with Jimmy's caption, "Just Jonesing in the Sun," last October. They checked the website of the Canadian soda company and learned that 800,000 photos had been submitted. The winning photos were chosen by online voting so the Roggeros enlisted help from friends and family. And then they waited for the results.
They didn't hear back from Jones Soda until March when a letter arrived with a dozen glossy labels featuring Ashley in black-and-white.
Ashley's will be the face of Jones Soda's green apple.
"It's my favorite flavor" of Jones Soda, she said.
But not every green apple soda will have a label with Ashley on it since the company chose several submissions for each of its flavors of soda. It's sold in some major grocery stores, but the Roggeros have yet to find the Ashley bottle. So they made one from their own cache of labels, taping it to a green apple Jones Soda bottle.
By Jill Rodrigues
My Beach Designs gets help from this Packaging Consultant
As of May 23, 2008, My Beach Designs of Portsmouth, RI is open for business and has shipped their first orders to customers in Cape Cod, Boston, Salem Massachusetts as well in Rhode Island.
I helped My Beach Designs owner, Ashley, with her packaging and labels. Since it was a start up company it was important that her minimums were low along with low product costs. We did it.
I started by locating a clamshell manufacturer that would work direct with other wholesale companies and not through distributors. They offered low minimums with affordable pricing. The clamshell offered Ashley with the opportunity to show off the contains of her kits without the worries of theft or damage.
The My Beach Designs' label is a four color process label that required a higher minimum to achieve a price point that worked within the budget. So we opted for a digital printed label which allowed a lower minimum with an affordable pricing just to get up and running. A professional label will replace the digital label in the next few weeks and the buyers of the product will not know the difference. Quality is important at all levels of product development and fulfillment.
Check out My Beach Designs blog for additional images and more information at
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Using Retail Packaging for Fundraising
Fundraisers are missing the retail packaging boat!
So many fundraisers solicate for product donations and then sell tickets to a raffle or have a silent auction for those solicated products its a great idea but honestly how many products do they get and how much money is earned from those events.
Add a retail packaging option to your raffle or silent auction.
All those wanting to purchase a ticket or place a bid must first purchase a decal, pen, pencil or some other token product that you have had made with your event/organization logo imprinted on to it. Refer to it as an entry fee.
ie. You could have vinyl 5 x 4 oval decals imprinted with one color logo made
250 for .83 each or
500 for .45 each or
1000 for just .26 each
You can sell them easily for $2.00 each. This gives the fundraising an additional income and gives your customer something to take home in case they do not win the raffle or auction.
Or if you are selling raffle tickets or silent auction tickets at a fair or trade show then sell a shopping bag that the customer could carry their other purchases in.
ie. You could purchase a one color imprinted paper shopping bag - white 8 x 5 x 10
500 for .60 each or
1000 for .49 each
You can sell them for $1.00 or $2.00 each stating that the purchase will benefit your organization.
You could also sell a pen or pencil at the raffle or silent auction table for people to fill out their tickets.
There are plenty of other ideas too. Fundraisers need to be creative.
With the "Green" movement, a bio friendly bag or product could always be sold with a portion of the sales going back to a "green" group.
Retail Stores can support their local organization by offering a product for sale in their shop that favorite charity. Always ask for their permission first.
If you have any fundraising suggestions using retail packaging let us know. We can pass the ideas along.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Green Gift Wrap
Yes, I am still on the green thing!
Is there "green" gift wrap? Of course, One manufacturer's line in particular called Natural Age can be purchased in reams and the price is competitive to its "not so green" gift wrap siblings. Natural Age gift wrap has a variety of natural colors and is made from 100% recycled kraft paper. If a solid color paper isn't what you are looking for then add an embossing to the wrap and living it up. The embossing shouldn't cost you anymore then $10.00.
Another manufacturer prides themselves on the fact they converted their rotogravure ink systems to 100% water based. This change in their printing process reduced emissions, eliminated solvent and ink waste, and created a better environment. They did this before water based inks were widely used or developed. Their paper comes from mill that support environmental initiatives from local to global programs and that are involved with WWF (World Wildlife Fund), SFI (Sustainable Forest Initiative), FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), and are concerned with responsible forestry and recycling. And all of their gift wrap papers are recyclable. Their facilities have all been constructed or updated bringing brought about energy savings, efficiency in operations, and better outdoors environment.
I am sure their are other gift wrap companies bettering their business by producing what everyone is looking for - and that is green products and a safer enviroment. You have to think they live in this world, they make a living creating wonderful gift wraps for us to use in gift giving and they want to continue both so why wouldn't they produce "green" giftwrapping.
Find out today what is new in the gift wrapping industry, Ask your retail packaging provider today to show you gift wrap that is "green" or call Gift Box Corporation (1-800-giftbox) or visit their web site ( for more information.
You might be surprised to find out that you are already using a "green" product.
They are many great ideas for using recycled newspaper and maps or reusing giftwrap from past gifts but doesn't your customers deserve new green gift wrap options? Look into it today and of course annouce you "green" options.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Mail Order, Online, Customer Service or Sales Rep?
How do you purchase your retail packaging?
Do you purchase your retail packaging from a mail order catalog, from an online/website service, over the telephone with the help of a customer service tech or with a sales representative? I am curious what is the most used option for purchasing retail packaging products.
As a retail packaging sales representative, I know that most retail store owners receive more benefits from working with a sales representative in their retail location the those that do not work with a sales representative. I also know that isn't true for most. I believe that working with a sales representative is beneficial to your business because that person knows your store and your community. Even if they only visit your store once a year they know you and the look you are acheiving with your store appearance.
The online and mail order options for ordering allows you the opportunity of convenience but you will never know if there is more available then what is on the pages of the catalog or web site.Customer Service techs have a wealth of knowledge about the stock products the company has but usually not a lot of information concerning custom products though they can direct you to territory sales representatives or product developers that can help you further.
So how do you order your retail packaging products?
Monday, May 5, 2008
Any input? It would be accepted.
For all you viewers with an opinion, you are welcomed to reply to this post.
How important is coordinating retail packaging to your business?
Do you feel it is important to have matched packaging or not?
Friday, May 2, 2008
Retail Packaging Price Acceptance!
I am surprised by the number of people who accept that the price they are currently receiving for their retail packaging is the best price they can get. WHY?
I offer on a daily basis to give potential customers competitive quotes on their retail packaging based on their annual usage and so many of them refuse the offer. WHY?
As a store owner, have you ever asked for a quote from a competitor of your retail packaging provider? WHY not? You might be surprised by the pricing. You can only gain knowledge by asking and potentially save money. You might learn that your current pricing from your provider is better then the competitors or you might learn you are paying too much. Who is going to hurt? Not the competitor and not you. It might hurt your current provider but only if their prices are too high.
You should also learn through this quote process that sometimes there are specials not advertised in a catalog. These specials could in fact effect the items final cost. For instance, Gift Box Corporation of America,, has a first quarter special every year. That special is 15% of the cost of their stock paper shopping bags. So for a customer who uses paper shopping bags this is a great savings especially if they order their annual usage appropriately.
GBC's cost of a kraft 8 x 5 x 10 paper shopper starts at 28.50/100 up to 1000 pcs.
So if your use 750 bags unprinted per year the cost of those bags drop to 24.23/100. Not bad.
Over 1000 bags costs 27.00/100 with the discount $22.95/100. And so on.
Don't be afraid to ask if there are any upcoming specials.
Gift Box also has a freight policy that states if you spend more then $350.00 per order they will pay half the freight. Twice the savings for those customers who plan wisely.
So if storage is an issue, Does your packaging provider give you annual usage discounts on all orders placed at the same time with separate ship dates? I do and why shouldn't I or they? You are ordering all your products at the same time aren't you? Most of my competitors don't offer that.
I am only using shopping bags as an example but this relates to all types of retail packaging including plastic bags, gift boxes, tissue paper, gift wrap, ribbon and bows. Whether you use stock products, custom products, unprinted or printed, why not ask today for competitive pricing from a packaging provider other then your own? You might be surprised.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Store Branding: Local or National
The retail market has changed so much in the last few years unfortunately for some retail store owners it is for the worse.
We see more and more local retailers closing their doors. You see the closures. You recognize that there are closures. You see the empty store fronts but do you know the stores that are gone? Can you remember their names? Do you know what their product lines were? Had you ever gone into those stores?
Now ask yourself, why? Why didn't you know more about their business, their products or why hadn't you gone into their store?
The most common answer is the image of the store, their advertisements and their window displays weren't eye catching or memorable. Any why not? Because that Store Owner didn't take the time to brand their name or their image. To survive in this down market a store must become its own brand and sell that brand. Creating a strong presence in a customers mind will help keep that business viable.
A strong branding should give the perception that the store has a unique atmosphere, unique products, friendly and helpful employees and competitive prices and those aspects of the branding should be used in all types of advertising including in store signage. That branding should be part of the store's interior/atmosphere. That atmosphere should be comfortable for your customers and promote shopping. Competition is too strong to be just like the other stores. Branding should promote your unique products especially those that competitors do not have. Competitive pricing should also be part of your branding. Selling unique products at competitive pricing will surely guarantee a strong brand. Unique products and competitive pricing will make your store a destination for consumers. Your employees personalities, willingness to assist a customer, and appearance should all portray your branding also. A retail store's marketing budget as limited as it might be should work to create and enforce all aspects of that branding.
Don't do what your competitor is doing. Be different. Sell unique products, select unique coloring for your logo and store coloring and create a unique atmosphere.
So how does this all relate to retail packaging you ask? Well, you should develop coordinated packaging using your logo and store colors. You can develop a unique shaped shopping bag, multi-colored shopping bag or use a unique material for construction of the shopping bag or just a unique color combination of a stock paper bag. You can develop a unique gift wrapping look using a colored gift wrap that matches your colors along with imprinted ribbon. You should always imprint your store name or logo on your gift boxes and shopping bags. You could also custom imprint your tissue and ribbons. Your packaging is part of your branding. Use your packaging to advertise your business. Your store name, store colors and store packaging should become recognizable to everyone. Why use the same retail packaging as your competitors? Make sure its different then anyone in town. If the unique product you sell leaves your store in a plain white bag with no identification and is presented as a gift then you have created absolutely no branding image to the recipient of that gift. A huge mistake when trying to create a strong branding for your name and store. Probably one of the mistakes those stores around that are now closed made. Don't make the same mistake. Its not to late. Think about it today.
So do you think branding is local or national only. Both. Any local store should create a strong branding also. Local store owners depend the most on the residents of their community so why shouldn't those residents know everything about your store by sight. Know your customer base. Find out what drives the residents of your community and use that as a basis of your branding and include it in all of your advertising. Your branding should meet your customers expectations. Doing this keeps them as a happy customer. National chains doing everyday. The national chains confer with their customers often obtaining information vital to their continued success.
The best branding I can think of is by a local grocery store business. They have a logo and color scheme they use on all print advertising, on their web site, store sign and through out the interior of the store and on store packaging. They also confer with customers to find out improvements that are needed. They make a point of providing excellent customer service, in store special events like decorate a cake for mom, shoppers card drawings for special gifts almost monthly, accumulative discount promotions a few times a year, in-store tasting on most friday nights, children's halloween party, diaper derbies and so much more I can't even think of it. The best thing they do as a business is they give back to the community through donations to many organizations. As a customer, we decide where we want them to give the donations to. We give our receipts to the organization of our choice, ie libraries, schools, charities, etc., and they present them back to the grocery store for the donation. They have helped so many with this its enlightning. I support this business because they make it easy to shop there and enjoyable. I appreciate their many efforts in running a succesful business which includes their strong branding. Nice Job Guys.
Find someone in your area that runs their business with a lot of succes and model their business. Don't copy but a lot can be learned from someone else's success.
As a sales representative, I enjoy helping a customer create match packaging that is unique and within their budget. Your packaging program can take your name and stores brand to new levels.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
"Green Ribbon" Option
Cream City's 100% cotton curling ribbon is made in the USA of 100% natural and biodegradable cotton yarns, water soluble glues, and soy based inks. It's look is very unique.
It appears to be paper but its not. It is very stiff to the touch. It curls like traditional splendorette curling ribbon and it also shreds and strips very easily. You can fold and crease this ribbon and it holds the shape. You can even weave this ribbon. All these features and attributes make cotton curling ribbon a great option for a green ribbon to finish off your green retail packaging.
It comes in a variety of solid colors, variant stripe and dot combinations and can be custom imprinted with your logo. The cost of this product is reasonable but varies greatly between retail packaging distributors. So look for the best deal.
This ribbon is being used in the retail, floral, gift basket and craft markets, by manufacturers and even in event planning and wedding decorating.
This excerpt was taken from the Gift Box Corporation's website --- Is it cotton curling ribbon too?
"Eco-friendly ribbon will soon be available in 100% organic cotton and a blend of cotton and hemp. This product will be available plain or custom printed."
I can't wait to see what new ribbon products Gift Box Corporation is introducing this year. The have something new up their green sleeves. Once the new catalog is out, I will update the blog with more information on Gift Box Corporations product description and image.
There are other natural 100% cotton ribbon products in taffeta, herringbone or basket weave design. These types of ribbons are much more costly then cotton curling ribbon. They are soft to the touch and do not retain their shape when tied into a large bow. A simple bow or knot works well when using this ribbon complementing your retail packaging.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Talk of the Nation - 2007
Follow the link above and listen to Talk of the Nation - Eco-Chic - HOw Green is "Green"? - July, 2007 on NPR.
Very interesting.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Press Release - Let everyone know with help of some good print
Source out all local newspapers, print publications and related websites that pretain to your business industry.
A press release is written in third person (no I or We, please) and seeks to demonstrate to an editor or reporter the newsworthiness and importance of a particular person, event, service or product (green packaging and the benefit to the community). Include a picture.
Include in your press release everything that is important to your business and the event that you want your community to know about. Dates, times and product description and contact information along with store hours. Coordinate a grand introduction of your green packaging by offering a sale on a particular weekend with a special event. Find a green business in your area and have them do an in store demonstration. You both will benefit. Also make sure to include that information in your press release and also to ask for it to be included in the calendar or send out a second press release!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Price verses Quality

What I mean is:
As a sales representative I work with my customers to reduce their actual invoice total in turn reducing the actual product cost.
See the company that I work for as a sales representative, Gift Box Corporation, offers our customers quantity discounting and annual usage discounting.
For my customers that place bag orders in the first quarter of the year for the entire year, they get 15% off for the first quarter special and then we add up the total number of bags and give them a quantity discount based on annual usage on top of it. We can ship multiple times through out the remainder of the year providing the customer with bags when they need them instead of overwhelming them with inventory with one large order. To save the customer even more money we offer a half off frieght allowance on all orders of $350.00 or more.
Does your packaging distributor offer those deals?
Take another look at the bottom line.
Some times it pays to work directly with your packaging rep and ask for specials and cost cutting measures. I also suggest having a competitor of your current packaging company provide you with a quote on all packaging products. Give that second packaging rep the quantities for the packaging products used in the previous year along with exact descriptions of your products, color, shape and materials or supply them with actual samples of your products. You do not have to tell them the dollar amounts, a good rep will not need that information. Have that second packaging rep provide you with the costs for reordering based on annual usage and company discounts.
As an example, a potential new customer that I am currently working with purchases paper bags, gift boxes and tissue from a competitor. When asked for pricing on shopping bags, I provided them with first column pricing. They stated that I was way over priced. My first response was how many bags do you order a year? Thousands was her answer. So now I re-adjusted my numbers based on her annual usage. I also provided her with information concerning the discounts available to her in the coming year. When all said and done my cost was less. I didn't provide her with any extra discounts only the ones she earned. I don't play games when it comes to pricing. So many sales reps/manufacturers will reduce the cost of the first order to secure the new business then up the cost on future orders. I will not. I want my customer to get the actual pricing due to them so they don't have sticker shock in the future. I am also suppling this customer a quote for custom shopping bags. A full years worth of inventory but I am hoping to drop her cost per bag even futher.
Will I get the business? Maybe not because her current sales rep/packaging provider might meet my pricing or even beat it to keep the business. As much as I want the order thats OK. I know that customer is getting the pricing they deserve and that sales representative/manufacturer is being kept honest. And this is why I suggest you should occasionally work with your packaging provider's competitor for pricing at least every few years.
Who is going to hurt? No one especially not you because you will know you are getting the best price available to you.
So the last few blogs have been about "green" packaging and you ask what does this have to do with any thing green - well I have two answers. One, you will have more green in your pocket!
and two, Gift Box Corporation maintains stock products that are made from recycled products, products that are recyclable and products that are re-usable. Check them all out at
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Whole Food Markets goes greener
The Whole Foods Market chain stated back in February that it would stop offering plastic grocery bags. Giving customers a choice between recycled paper or reusable bags, no more plastic. A increasing number of retailers and local municupalities are banning plastic bags, or discouraging their use, because of concerns about their environmental impact. Nantucket, MA banned plastic bags years ago. Whole Foods officials said they had hoped to eliminate plastic bags for some time but had to decide how to make it work in the chain's 270 stores. A.C. Gallo, president and chief operating officer, said Whole Foods tried to get customers to buy reusable bags for several years but "it really never caught on." That changed when the grocery chain began offering reusable bags for 99 cents, he said.
More Retailers, small and big, should start promoting their choice for retail packaging. Informing their customers of their choice might inspire that customer to become greenier or support your greenier company. It might comething as simple a a chan
I heard a rumor that might be true, you will have to look into it, that whole foods is giving away a free re-usable shopping bag away to customers on Earth Day. It might only be a rumor because I see nothing listed on the web-site concerning this. So research it first and don't hold me to it.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Green Press Release
How about your local newspaper? Are they focused on local eco-friendly businesses? Trade magazines and newspapers in the retail packaging industry are all concentrating on "Green" businesses. The local newspapers have been highlighting local manufacturers, growers and businesses trying to be enviromentally friendlier.
So how about the retailers? Don't you think if you have a custom paper or plastic shopping bag made from recycled and biodegradable materials with your name on it, use giftboxes made from 100% post consumer waste, and recycled kraft tissue that might be news worthy?
So retailers go ahead and try it. Have the packaging made and then write a press release to every newspaper within a 50 mile radius of your location, tourist publications and community websites and tell them. You will be surprised how interested an editor will be of the simplest local interest story and you will be more surprised in how many locales will respond to a news paper article.
If new packaging isn't in your budget then offer a discount to those customers bringing in their own shopping bags to take away their purchases. Tell that to the editor. I know I would come visit and make a purcase for a discount. A local grocer gave five cents back for every plastic bag I re-used on every purchase. I know I used 10 bags with most of purchases and that wasn't a huge savings but I thought it was a great attempt by the grocer.
Of course if you are in a "green" community and everyone is already doing it then it might not work. Well then you send out a press release stating you finally joined the "green" movement and some locales might visit your store because you finally came around to their way of thinking.
Green Packaging Company
At Gift Box, we take pride in our company's long history of being "green." In fact, we are the original "green" packaging company. Many of our products are manufactured with environmentally-friendly materials, using combinations of post-consumer and post-industrial waste.
The board we use to manufacture our gift boxes, and the newsprint we laminate to the inside, are both 100% post-consumer recycled paper. The paper we laminate to the outside of our boxes contains post-industrial paper waste. The glue we use to adhere these two laminates to the board is natural cornstarch glue that we cook ourselves. All of our inks are water-based and can be disposed of easily and safely. These boxes are 100% recyclable and the recycled emblem is debossed on each one.
Our regular paper shopping bags, merchandise bags and eurotote bags are all recyclable or reusable, and we also offer paper shopping bags made from 80% post-industrial waste and 100% post-consumer waste. Our "green" paper packaging is made from either post-consumer or post-industrial waste, benefitting the environment.
All of our plastic bags are environmentally friendly as they can be recycled. Gift Box also offers bags containing 25% post-consumer waste which helps the environment by saving the resources required to manufacture more plastic and eliminating landfill mass at the same time. We also offer two degradable bags, one which breaks down from extended exposure to UV sunlight and the other is biodegradable and decomposes through the actions of natural soil borne microbes.
The white and kraft tissue we sell contains 60% post-industrial waste and it is recyclable as well. Future plans include changing the mix to 50% post-industrial waste and 10% post-consumer waste.
Eco-friendly ribbon will soon be available in 100% organic cotton and a blend of cotton and hemp. This product will be available plain or custom printed.
For more information on packaging that's good for the environment, e-mail or call 1-800-GIFTBOX.
If you're looking for "green" packaging, you're looking for Gift Box. "Green" leadership for over 70 years and counting.
I am a proud sales representative for Gift Box Corporation and have to say it's easy selling the best gift boxes in the nation especially when they are already green.
Green Products - Plastic Bag insight

Whether it's inadvertent or deliberate, plastic bag litter creates many problems. Bags get blown accross country sides and city scapes and deposited in unsightly locations - trees, along beaches, in heaps on the road ways. They end up blocking drains and suffocating wildlife when eaten. In the lakes, ponds and oceans, plastic bag litter is lethal, killing thousands of whales, turtles and other sea life every year.
A new answer is available for the retailer who uses plastic bags in their store locations. Recycleable and biodegradable plastic bags made from recycled materials. All customizable and available for immediate manufacturing. There are US manufacturers who are making this bags available to retailers at the same cost as a traditional plastic bag. Up to this point, biodegradable plastic was out of most peoples financial reach because of the higher cost but not anymore.
All plastic bag using retailers should look into the cost of this possibility. Even ask your packaging distributor if your current imprint plates are usable. If they can use your plates then there might be no additional expense for you - so you can keep the green you earn in your packet while you point your business in a greener direction. You and your customer will be happier.
Green Products - Re-usable Shopping bags
There are some stylish reusable bags by Pretty Green Bag . These bags are beautiful and can easily be used for shopping at the grocers or the mall, shopping at Walmart or Target and used for going to the library. The Pretty Green bags are made from designer print fabric and have a cushiony handle and have a water repellent lining so you will never have soggy bags again. The bags come in sizes 11 x 14 x 6. Pretty Green Bag is committed to social responsibility. 1% of all sales are given to Water Partners International that works with developing countries to provide clean water resources. These bags have a higher wholesale price per bag then your everyday run of the mill non woven polypropylene bags.
Low End Re-usable Shopping Bags
Re-usable bags, like the 'Green Bags' seen in supermarkets, are made from non-wove

Polypropylene bags can carry more shopping than plastic check-out bags. These bags are sturdy and designed to be reused again and again for many years. When the consumer is finished with the bag, they can be recycled - drop them into the plastic bag recycling bins.
Polypropylene bags reduce consumption of single use standard plastic shopping bags and encourage customers to be more ‘waste-wise’ in their daily life. Domestic manufactured non woven poly bags can be custom imprinted with your logo on it for a low minimum usually just 300 pieces of course they will have a higher piece price then an overseas made bag. However custom sized bags with multi-colored designs can be manufactured overseas with a higher minimum but a lower piece price.
Your standard packaging supplier can provide accurate quotes for the non-woven polypropylene bags. Call today for a quote. Generally a 10 to 12 week delivery is need for larger bag orders.
So many gift shop owners are purchasing these bags and having their own logos discreetly printed on the bags along with a tastefully done graphic and then selling them to their regular customers. Most consumers are accepting of this re-usable shopping bag concept but they are not accepting of paying $1.00 a bag at the big box grocer with the store names plastered on the side. I think those big box grocers should be paying use to advertise their stores and for saving them all the money on not having to order as many of the junkie plastic bags.
Green Products - TerraSkin
With the "green movement" being so strong right now and rightfully so, I want to start a segment of blogs on green products and their availability. I am going to start with an item I have heard alot about but haven't gotten to see it or hear directly from a user of it.
TerraSkin™ made by Design & Source Productions in New York has eco-friendly characteristics and is made from a combination of large amounts of mineral powder and with a small quantity of non-toxic resin to create an environmentally friendly paper.
TerraSkin has very similar characteristics to traditional paper.
TerraSkin also has many eco-friendly characteristics. First, the production of TerraSkin requires no water, so the TerraSkin paper making process incurs no water pollutants. Second, as TerraSkin contains high proportions of inorganic mineral powder, when the end user is done with the TerraSkin product, the used paper will biodegrade when left out in nature for approximately 3 to 9 months turning back into the mineral powder. If preferred, used TerraSkin papers can also be burnt safely as non-toxic resins will not emit smoke or any poisonous gas. TerraSkin can easily and cost-effectively be recycled in the future. The future production of TerraSkin, residues of inorganic mineral powder can be either reused or safely returned to nature.
Most importantly, in producing TerraSkin, there are no trees involved. The paper is treeless.
TerraSkin has printing benefits as well. With all environmentally friendly advantages the TerraSkin paper has it also has significant printing flexibility. Because TerraSkin does not absorb ink like regular paper, using less ink than traditional paper. The imprints stay much more crisp and clear on TerraSkin paper than on traditional paper because the ink does not bleed and is not absorbed by the TerraSkin paper. TerraSkin also does not require any additional coatings or laminations. The paper is water-resistant and stays strong and durable and it has its own unique texture based on its mineral make up.
I am looking to hear from users of this product. I would like to know everything about it - cost, minimum quantity for ordering, does the manufacturer stock it or is it custom, quality, durability and consumer acceptance. I understand that a Modern Art Museum has changed all their bags over to this product.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Do you use retail packaging?
Do you use?
Shopping Bags - paper or plastic
Stock, Imprinted/Hot Stamped or Custom
Merchandise Bags - paper or plastic
Gift Boxes - with or without your logo on it
One piece, two piece, short lid/hat box styles
Jewelry Boxes - white or colored
Tissue Paper - stock or custom
Ribbons and Bows - Stock ribbon or custom ribbon
Labels - Custom or stock price labels
Price Tags - Custom or stock price tags
Where do you purchase it from/at?
From Local Sales Representative
Mail Order Customer Service Technician
Local Paper Supply Company
Local warehouse/store
Are you happy with your total packaging?
Don't Care
Is Your Customer happy with your packaging?
Don't Care
Or do you not use packaging because you are afraid it is too costly?
yes, I am afraid
Send me a comment providing the answers to these questions along with any other information you would like to provide concerning your packaging, packaging provider, packaging experiences and of course include your business type, your position within that business and any other business information (number of years in business, location, etc.....)
Introduction to JR Labels, offers a complete and diverse line of custom decals, labels,magnets, stickers and tags.

Since I do not represent any one label printer/manufacturer, the products I offer are competitively priced. I am therefore able to offer to my customers a wide range of hot stamped and ink imprinted (including 4 color process) labels and tags and often without a set up charge. I offer standard hot stamped labels, embossed labels, pricing labels and hot stamped tags, bumper stickers, magnets, business cards and much more. I aso offer digital imprinted labels and tags which allows the customer the opportunity to create exactly what they want.
My commitment to customer service led me to develop

I have many happy customers because I am able to offer most new label orders with no set up charges on hot stamped orders, prepayment discounts and free freight when possible.
Selling labels gives me the opportunity to assist customers creatively. Sometimes labels are used to customize stock p

I hope you will take the time to visit Should you have any questions or need assistance in creating your label or tag do not hesitate to call 401-683-5273.
The start of a great blog dedicated to packaging!
This blog will consist of my thoughts and experiences while working in the retail packaging industry. I hope to highlight the trends in the retail packaging, offer links and information pertaining to products and manufacturers creating and offering new products or just great opportunities in packaging. I look foward to your feedback to fuel this blog with topics that are of interest.
This blog is for anyone that uses, will be using in the future, or selling retail packaging include:
shopping bags - paper or plastic,
gift boxes - one and two piece,
jewelry boxes,
tissue paper,
gift wrap,
ribbon and bows,
anything else to do with packaging products
for resale or for during product developement/manufacturing.
This blog will be a great source of options for those using custom packaging and looking for alternatives and quoting opportunities.
You can be from any type of business:
retail stores including gift shops, floral shops, gift basket business, grocery stores, clothing stores, shoe shores, music shops, pottery shops, furniture stores, any type of store that needs to packaging their products for their customer.
Corporate business that give VIP presentations.
Non-Profit Organizations including museums, art galleries, historial societies or any non-profit trying to stay within their budgets and still provide appealing packaging.
Entertaining Industry Members/Organizations including bands, orchestras, theater groups, solo artists and music teachers.
School Organizations such as PTA/PTO's, Sports groups, School Bands, Fundraiser groups -- FAB, Booster Clubs, Class Advisory Groups, anyone trying to raise money for future student groups.
Manufacturers of food, clothing, gift products, anyone packaging their product for re-sale.
Sales Representatives for packaging distributors and manufacturers.
The list is endless of people who will benefit from this blog. As time goes on, I will continue to add to this endless list.
I encourage success stories and stories of failure as part of the feedback I receive from my readers. Tell me why something was a failure not necessarily who the failure was.